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Whatever is your question, it worth it.

Beginners corner

If you are thinking of start riding a motorcycle, then we gladly add this section to help you trought the steps. this In this section you will find usefull information about riding a motorcycle. We want to make the experience complete to all new folks.


What bike should I buy?

Choosing a motorcycle it is not an easy task. Will you go with your heart, with your head or with reviews by friends or people who seems to know about it. This next article will help you find a way to make your decision. Then you will start a absolute wonderfull journey!

Motorcycle plate

Any motorcycle going on a civic road must have a licence plate. This Document allow government to control vehicules for many reason. Not having a plate will be against the law and will lead to a ticket.


Make sure to maintain this document up to date. You will need to renew it once a year.

Bikers Cafe -Motorcycle-Plate-7Dig.png

Driving licence & Insurances

Driving licence is an obligation for any motorcycle driver. This document will protect you and other drivers, pay for the road maintenance and nuch more. 

Insurances are also an obligation for all motorcycle drivers. And accident can cost a lot of damages and money. Without an insurance, you can get in very bad problems..

Is training a must?

This question is one of my favorite. What do you think? A course is needed to ride a car. Motorcycle has two wheels, a variety of style. Some light others heavy. In the road, you can have any kind of hazards, are you ready for this. Riding a motorcycle safety has two concepts, road laws and control your motorcycle at any time.


Training is a must to start riding a motorcycle. Even, an improve course is recommendable each year. And more for bikers who stops riding during winter. We, bikers, must make us responsable of our actions on the streets and the better and fastes way to reach that improvement is to assist classes regularly.


It is highly recommended to take an annual perfection course to enhance your experience with safety.

Motorcycle course.jpg

The most important

In case of an accident, the only thing that protect you is GEARS. Do not take any chance on choosing a high quality protection.

  • Helmet

  • Neck

  • Jacket

  • Gloves

  • Pants

  • Boots

Have a look at those link for more information.


What about maintenance?

This part is quite a dilema when it's time to buy your motorcycle. 


We suggest  you to visit our Maintenance Corner from this web site to have access to severals guides and helps.


You can also ask your questions in Bikers Cafe Forum.

Testimonial Stanley, Molly

Stanley, Molly (USA)

Riding my motorcycle is my therapy and my way to feel alive. As soon as a touch a motorcycle, the special  feeling that is present when I seat on my bike is unexplicable.

Testimonial Hernandez, Yanina

Hernandes, Yanina (MEX)

Desde el momento que empeze este nuevo deporte, cambio en completo mi estylo de vida. Aventuras, nuevos amigos, nuevas perspectivas sont algunas de mis nueavas manera de vivir.


Lacroix, André (CAN)

When I am on adventure trails with my beast, I can only be gratefull to this life that give me this sensation..

Frequent Ask Questions by new riders

1. What helmet should I buy?

First of all, certifications are the only arguments that can assured you that you have a maximum protection. So when choosing a helmet, please choose a good certification like DOT ou

2. What engine size should I buy? 300cc, 650cc, 1000cc, etc

I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy.

3. What are the bests brands?

Brands are all good as soon 

4. Can I learn with an automaticmotorcycle?

Yes, it exist but we do not think it is a good idea. 

5. Do full face helmet restrict visibility and sound?

Yes, it exist but we do not think it is a good idea. 

6. Is it scary to ride a motorrcycle?

As soon as you go by your learning rythm, everething will be fine and more, you will feel something really special.

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